George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership

Time to Know What Your Company is Missing

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Social Media
Social media has come of age. There is no communication and or marketing campaign, without the integration of social networks. Despite some companies being cautious, as is with human nature: whenever faced with change, we need to sail the social wave. Is your company on social media? Read along to find out what you are missing.

With mobile phones penetrating every corner of the world, people are joining social networks every single day to the millions. According to Smartinsights, 80% of global users own and use smartphones to search the internet. The world is going mobile, Vis a Vis digital.

1 billion plus users worldwide, facebook tops the list as the most populated social channel in the world. In fact, experts have said that if facebook would be a country, it would be equal to an entire continent. That is how powerful social media has become.

The more reason why, as a business you need to join the social media wave. The social channels have made it easy for businesses to interact with their audiences. In a way, social channels have assembled millions of people in one place; waiting for someone to talk to them should anyone have great news to share. And this should be great news, right? Then, why is your business and or organizations still spectating?

I know: members of the C-suite are not yet convinced why they need a social media program.

‘Social media is a tool that allows individuals to improve their lives by interacting with groups—both with people and with brands—facilitated by online platforms that erase typical boundaries of time and space.’ says Peter Friedman, CEO Liveworld.

Perhaps this thought might re-tool your resolve when making your case as to why your company needs a social media program. Ready? Good.

Many in the C-Suite still wonder what roles Social media can play in their corporations. Some even think that running a social media program is ‘free’. This are all but misconceptions that we need to address and make the C-suite understand the enormous roles social media plays in organizations. I mean if Coca-Cola is doing it: why can’t we? Why can’t you?

If you are wondering, what social media can do for you: wonder no more.

  • Distributing content
  • Building a reputation
  • Customer service and support
  • Building brand loyal ambassadors

A little more on each.

Distributing Content: Have you ever had something to say, with no one to say it to? Well no more. Social media has convened an audience for you. All you need to do is show up and deliver you message. However, make it useful. So that, when you come back with another message, they will be waiting. In fact, some would have come with friends. Gone is the time when speakers lacked an audience.

It could be the amazing research you just conducted and you would like the world to know of the amazing findings. Alternatively, perhaps you have rebranded but word has not gotten out: post it. Tweet it. Pin It. It will be heard. Social media is a great avenue for which companies can distribute whatever content they have. One thing is for sure: an audience is waiting.

Building a Reputation: How is your reputation thus far? Remember the ad campaign, ‘Image is nothing. Thirst is everything.’ Well forget it. In pursuit of building a reputation, this tagline will land you in trouble.

Social media, teeming with a ready audience, will help you build your company’s reputation. How, you ask? It is all about the type of reputation you would like to build. Suppose you would like the world to perceive you as Trustworthy – Insurance and Banking industry: then you need to relay messages that will hold you to that standard.

Sharing accurate messages: not hiding anything from the world will go a long way in making you trustworthy. Where else to share this information? On social media.

Customer Service and Support: Welcome to the 21st century customer service. The mantra ‘the customer is always right’ has been adopted by companies aiming to toe the line for impeccable customer support. They engrave it in their day-to-day work.

Serve a customer right and he will keep coming back. Through social media, companies can respond to customer queries, concerns in real-time making sure that they are satisfied with the dealings of the company.

In January 2016, Kenya Power & Lighting Company was in a tight spot. Due to some electric fault at their Juja substation, Nairobi, Kisumu, and Kajiado were left in total darkness. Despite their error: through their twitter handle they were able to respond to distraught residents by assuring them, their best team was on the problem. Moreover, the power came back, true to their word.

It is such commitment to be there with answers even when you do not have them yet, that makes for great customer support.

Building Brand Loyal Ambassadors: State always appoints people of repute to go to foreign land and sell our interests. Companies can do the same. By identifying people who are loyal to the brand, companies through social media, can ‘appoint’ them to sell their interests among groups.

If you are wondering why you need to be on social media, I hope this helps. Let me know what you think. Until then, take the plunge. This is what you will find out: social media is what you have been missing. Moreover, brand ambassadors are waiting for you to ‘appoint’ them for duty.

Whatever the size of your business, you cannot afford not to be on social media. If you are wondering what metrics, you will use to show value for money, check out my next post. Meanwhile, set up those accounts and best of luck.
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