George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership


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‘To be or not to be?’ is one of Shakespeare’s greatest quote in his literary works. Well, should we or should we not rise above our limitations and soar to great heights? I choose, to be. Our journey is set. Destination clear, but something’s off. With everything in check what is holding us back then.

Kakamega County and we the people have for a long time been perceived as retrogressive. Nothing Luhya-rather western affiliated represents development. As a county and a people, we are walking time bombs.

Whenever I read articles relating to Kakamega County amid all the politics, development agenda, business, insecurity, infrastructure, agriculture…one question lingers in my mind. Can’t we do better?
Kakamega County. Home to the country’s leading sugar miller-Mumias Sugar Company, which sadly is at the brink of collapse. Kakamega where there is gold, but it is of no use to the local miners. Kakamega where farmers have land, but still end-up hungry. This is sad!

Factoring all these, the bold question has to be asked. Those with answers and solutions to come forth. It is time. It has been for a while now. What is Kakamega most serious problems? With this in mind, please, engage me.

The Fear Factor
As a county and people we started by abandoning our political parties. Failure to accord the parties and people proper representation both locally and internationally. Ask any aspirant which political party they would subscribe to and it will stun you. Our political leaders continue selling out our beliefs to other party leaders as if we are in situ. Walk into any bank and ask which people fear loans? Luhya will be part of the list.

It is this fear that has crippled us as a people. Fear to invest. Fear to maximize on our ability to devour knowledge. Fear that land will be taken away if you help that young lad secure a loan. Fear to say no, and stick to the people political causes addressing issues that affect the people. Fear that we will lose an election if we don’t stand our ground. Fear this and fear that.

Recently, Senate minority leader said that he doesn't want to be president. All he wants is for the removal of Uhuruto. Note that presently he is Western’s political mover if I may, but really? Whose vote will make this a reality? I believe that my vote is my ticket for a better tomorrow and not to fulfill someone’s agenda.

Did you know that Luhya are among the most learned people in the country presently? But what are we doing with these human resources? Where do we hide? We are playing it safe, which is not an option. We must risk it to reap it.

Failure is okay. As one successful author put it, I will fail my way to success. A lesson I hold onto. We should get off the wagon of fear and try things. As we wait for the deputy president to reduce the levels of bureaucracy in the Uwezo fund, let us start the process of getting that money and use it.

Lack of unity
A chain is as strong as its weakest link. And there is nothing worse than people knowing your weakness. The earth is filled with opportunists, they will capitalize on this. As a people we are used to compete the circuit, we are but a conduit. Without us, current is still present at the various terminals.

This rift is another recipe to our downfall. This reminds me of my primary school motto, ‘Together we succeed.’ I loved it. It is time we spoke with a unified voice, realizing that if we don’t then we have nobody to blame but ourselves. Ad you read that motto let it resonate with you. Let it be part of you.

Culture of giving back to society
Most of us know Bill Gates. There is an article titled ‘Reasons why Bill Gates name will live on’, published recently and in this article they were comparing Steve Jobs to Bill Gates. Although Steve Jobs is known as the king of innovation, Bill Gates’ generosity to give back to society-Melinda and Gates foundation, will immortalize him. People will not only remember him, but that will do so with a sense of pride for the lives he touched.

‘Blessed is the hand that giveth’, the bible says, ‘than the one that taketh.’ I once worked for an NGO whose tagline read, ‘Projecting hope. Changing lives.’ Every time I read it, I was psyched to go to the field and change lives. Truth, we did change the lives of the refugees.

In conclusion, most of our politicians are not development oriented. Only a few, are wired to think and implement the development agenda. The rest are passing time and luckily for them, making money in the process.

If you are well placed in society, have you ever thought of reaching down and lending that helping hand? If you are a youth or elder have you ever thought of risking it for the future? As a people, have you ever thought of sticking by your beliefs and most importantly people and if you are not on the same page-change their thoughts?

This might be insignificant, but that is how progress is made. To quote a Chinese saying, ‘A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.’ Make that step! If we overcome these three problems, then we will live to be. Kakamega, land of the hopeful!

George Odenyo Litunya
Communications Consultant, Trainer and Writer

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