George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership


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‘An artist is the child who survived.’ This is a quote I have on my wall. A constant reminder, that it isn't easy communicating sense with your art. The world of visual communication, is a road less travelled.

Art and crafts - if you can recall those days, was my side hustle. I started making money while in class 4. There is this particular girl, I fondly remember. I did drawings for her severally. She was impressed and later became my client.  Others followed suit. These girls had one thing in common. They didn’t know or want to draw anything. Even a circle or a straight line at that.

She went by the name - Yvonne Nyokabi - she was something. I would draw for her and in turn Ksh. 20 would be deposited into my pocket. I not only loved drawing, I liked that it earned me money. During break time, I was the ‘man’. Ordering rounds of ‘mandazi’s’ for my friends and potential clients. It felt good.

Today technology has changed art. We use our computers and other devices to draw. Thanks to Corel and Adobe Suite. However, as much as it is good practice to start your design on paper, computers have made it easier and fun! Today we go by different titles. Graphics designers, creative directors, graphics directors, digital artists…

Depending on the industry, irrespective of the title, graphics design has to fit right in. Once in, you have to meet your objectives-which in turn spill over to those of the company. During this period, your creativity has to kick in. That moment when all makes sense, visually.

The greatest asset we have as designers is creativity. Some designers are super creative-which makes their work divine! But prior to seeing that work come to completion, that creativity has to be tapped. Like oil. It all starts with motivation. This motivation comes from many things, more so our places of work.

Being in the real estate industry, my purview on graphics design has been eye-opening. This pointers are meant for all those designers who will one day work in the real estate industry.

One of the key responsibilities in this industry, is designing marketing materials. They are quite a handful, however depending on your creativity and the flexibility of management you could add a few to the list. The main ones you will work on are; branding guides, posters, fliers, banners, brochures, booklets to mention but a few.

In all these designs, the following guiding principles should be part of you as you will endeavor to be part of. Top on the list is consistency - the skill to make all your works uniform across all media. This is with regards to all the designs you create.

All companies are guided by what is called a branding manual or guide. This document, has specifications on the typefaces a designer or any other employee mandated to work on marketing materials should use. How the logo is to be placed and used; the corporate colours to be used in all the materials designed in that company.

A slight variation between these materials is a clear indication that you lack a sense of professionalism. The trick is to create templates for which to work on. Consistency is key, especially when it comes to property posters and advertisements.

The other principle is taming your creativity. It feels great actually to sit-think-draft and actualize a task. A visual task at that. Burning those brain cells while in search of that great concept is draining, as well as rewarding. However in the real estate industry, learning to tame the power of creativity adds you points on your score card. As much as we wallow in the creative cloud, pause. Regulate it.

The only other avenue for which you can flex your creative muscle is when you are working on a new project. That’s when you can marshal all your arsenals and give it the best you have. But then, note that I used can-there are tendencies that management will not be keen in endorsing any new designs. As we know, change is not a cup of tea for anyone.

Design in the real estate industry is not flashy. The more funds available, the more you get to work on pretty interesting designs across different media. I have been fascinated on having my designs on a billboard. Strategically placed. I always imagine seeing my billboard positioned outside an airport, or at a roundabout or someplace noticeable. That is when visual communication screams for attention. You won’t resist the urge to look!

Real estate design is great, but rigid. It is this rigidity you are to manage tactfully. Otherwise you will be bored and wish you never got the job.

I know that there are those who would wish to be in this industry, brace yourself. Make it work for you, and not against you. For you know, what that implies. You might just lose your job out of boredom or failure to be productive. Organizational behavior, teaches us that, job satisfaction is one of the motivators that costs the employers nothing; yet increases productivity. Happy designing!

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